2hp Scroll Compressors for Heat Pump Applications ZH12K4E with best price
1.Product detail :
The Scroll compressor has been under development at Emerson Climate Technologies since 1979. It is the most efficient and durable compressor Emerson Climate Technologies has ever developed for air conditioning, refrigeration and heating applications.
This application guideline deals with all vertical single DC Scroll compressors for dedicated heat pump applications from ZH12K4E to ZH11M4E, and also includes vapour injection compressors from ZH06KVE to ZH48KVE.
These compressors have one Scroll compression set driven by a single or three-phase induction motor. The Scroll set is mounted at the upper end of the rotor shaft of the motor. The rotor shaft axis is in the vertical plane.

4.attached parts

5.Motor protection
For the ZH12K4E to ZH45K4E and the ZH06KVE to ZH18KVE ranges of compressors, conventional inherent internal line break motor protection is provided. The electronic motor protection system used in all ZH56K4E to ZH11M4E and ZH24KVE to ZH48KVE models is identified by a "W" as the centre letter in the motor code. This system utilizes the temperature-dependent resistance of the thermistors (also called PTC-resistance) to read the winding temperature. A chain of four thermistors connected in series is embedded in the motor windings so that the temperature of the thermistors can follow the winding temperature NAT = 140°C C6.2.9/0913-1013/E 17 T1/L1 Neutral connection T2/L2 Line voltage connection S1, S2 Thermistor chain connection M1, M2 Control Figure14: Wiring of the motor protection module with little inertia. An electronic module INT69SC2 is required to process the resistance values and trip a control depending on the thermistor resistance.