The new PRIME series in CX format, is an innovative range of products that Dixell has introduced to the market for both heating and L.T., N.T. refrigeration. The CX family (32x74mm) has new functions plus an innovative and attractive design. The revolutionary introduction of 6 keys allows the user direct access to all main functions rapidly and intuitively, while the display with illuminated icons allows an instant view of the machine's status. All the instruments in CX format incorporate the latest know how and technology, both in software and hardware to ensure the highest standards of performance.
Easy and intuitive installation
9 - 40Vdc power supply for refrigerated trucks (for models with 8A compressor)
Energy saving cycles triggered via a digital input; for example, it is possible to work at a set point that is different from the normal one in order to, for instance, accumulate cold when electric power is cheaper
Continuous cycle with dedicated set; it allows the machine to work during rapid cooling cycles to achieve the right product temperature
Regulation stop by auxiliary probe (beer dispenser applications); it is possible to supervise the tube temperature, stopping the compressor when the temperature becomes too low, and restarting when the correct values have been restored
Regulation re-start with door switch alarm
Max and Min temperature or HACCP function
Digital input configurable as probe
Virtual probe for air on / air off application; used in multideck applications where it is important to regulate temperature using the average of 2 temperatures
Dual thermostat function; is available, on demand, in applications such as white or red wine rooms where it is necessary to maintain 2 different temperatures
Condenser temperature management to prevent critical situations in the system
TTL serial connection for monitoring systems (using XJ485CX)
Connection for remote display X-REP (excludes TTL)
Thermostat and Controllers with " OFF CYCLE" DEFROST for Normal, Medium and Low Temperature
Thermostat with heating or cooling action.
Controller for NT with "off cycle" defrost.
Controller for NT with "off cycle" defrost and additional configurable relay.
Controller for NT with "off cycle" defrost and additional configurable relay and RS485.
2 set point controller for NT with "off cycle" defrost; created for applications where is necessary to maintain
2 different temperature such as white/red wine rooms
Controllers for Normal, Medium and Low Temperature
Digital controller for MT and LT with electrical or hot gas defrost.
Controller for MT and LT with electrical or hot gas defrost and auxiliary relay.
2 set point controller for MT and LT with electrical or hot gas defrost and auxiliary relay; created for applications where is necessary to maintain 2 different temperature such as white/red wine rooms
Controllers for Medium and Low Temperature
Controller for MT and LT ventilated applications with dual humidity function on demand, this allows the user to activate or deactivate ventilation directly through keys, in order to regulate the humidity depending on the kind of product (ideal for pastry applications)
Controller for MT and LT ventilated applications with twin evaporators; normal regulation restarts only when both evaporators have reached defrost termination temperature
Controller for MT and LT ventilated applications, with auxiliary relay and with dual humidity function on demand, this allows the user to activate or deactivate ventilation directly through keys, in order to regulate the humidity depending on the kind of product (ideal for pastry applications)
Controller for MT and LT ventilated applications with anti-sweat heater management; created for applications that utilize heating elements such as anti-mist or anti-freeze heaters on doors (heater elements can be actived by pushing a key or through a dedicated probe)
Controller for MT and LT ventilated applications with dual compressor management
Controller for MT and LT ventilated applications with auxiliary relay, dual humidity function and RS485
Controller for MT and LT ventilated applications with Real time clock with RS485