3.5HP high efficiency ZH30K4E-TFD - ZH - Hermetic compressors for air conditioning
1.Product detail :
Scroll™ Compressors For Heating are designed for optimum operation and reliability of heat pumps connected to hydronic distribution systems for space heating and/or for the production of domestic hot water. These applications require reaching condensing temperatures as high as 65°C with high efficiency and reliability over a broad operating range. Features such as brazed fitting connections and special versions for the tandemization of compressors fit the requirements of heat pump systems.

4.attached parts

Inadequate lubrication! Bearing and moving parts destruction! Minimise liquid refrigerant returning to the compressor. Too much refrigerant dilutes the oil. Liquid refrigerant can wash the oil off the bearings and moving parts leading to overheating and compressor failure. Due to Scrolls inherent ability to handle liquid refrigerant in flooded start and defrost cycle operation, an accumulator is not required for durability in most systems. However, large volumes of liquid refrigerant repeatedly flooding back to the compressor during normal off cycles, or excessive liquid refrigerant flooding back during defrost or varying loads can dilute the oil, no matter what the system charge is. As a result, bearings and moving parts will be inadequately lubricated and wear may occur.
6.Oil additives
Although Emerson Climate Technologies cannot comment on any specific product, from our own testing and past experience, we do not recommend the use of any additives to reduce compressor bearing losses or for any other purpose. Furthermore, the long term chemical stability of any additive in the presence of refrigerant, low and high temperatures, and materials commonly found in refrigeration systems is complex and difficult to evaluate without rigorously controlled chemical laboratory testing. The use of additives without adequate testing may result in malfunction or premature failure of components in the system and, in specific cases, in voiding the warranty on the component.